an Galgano and his Round are without a doubt one of the most magical, beautiful and rich in legends of Tuscany. The 'grand building stands in the center of a vast and lonely land giving a general view' with rich colors and sensations that leave in the 'spirit of those who visit an unforgettable experience. The 'Abbey was built by Cistercian monks in 1220, and marks the' advent of the Gothic style in Italy. In 1500 it reached its heyday, a period after which the 'Abbey is inexplicably abandoned and left to the depredations of time and negligence. Now you see the architectural skeleton, homeless, of 'Abbey, but this does not detract from the greatness and the power of visual' building. Indeed, the vision of the pinnacles in the open leaves a sense of mysticism that the church has been linked to mysterious Grail legends and strange esoteric knowledge.